
Living Area, Suite - Amantaka, Laos Bath & Amenities, Suite - Amantaka, Laos


All stays include

  • Private roundtrip airport transfers to Amantaka with personalised immigration fast track on arrival at Luang Prabang International Airport
  • Daily breakfast and a choice of lunch or dinner inclusive of selected non-alcoholic beverages
  • Daily afternoon tea
  • Use of bicycles, Tuk Tuk and car transportation within Luang Prabang
  • Use of hydrotherapy areas including steam room and sauna facilities with hot and cold plunge pool


  • 户外露台
  • 特大床
  • 起居区配书桌
  • 浴室带独立式浴缸
  • 双梳洗台、更衣室、独立淋浴间和卫生间
  • 无线网络、音响系统、保险柜
  • 私人酒水吧

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