Ancient Temples

Many of the arts of Indonesia were generated from Central Java, the land of legends. Here great palaces and religious monuments from Hindu, Buddhist, and Islamic faiths were built. Legend has it that 2,000 temples once graced the plains of the Kedu Valley and its surrounding region. From Borobudur and Gedong Songo to Prambanan and the Dieng Plateau, many of the most ancient and important of Asia’s religious monuments and temples are on the plains and volcanic slopes of Central Java with easy access from Amanjiwo. 

amanjiwo_bar Amanjiwo, forest, sustainability Amanjiwo









Featured experience

Borobudur Temple

The 9th-century Unesco World Heritage Site of Borobudur is the world’s largest Buddhist temple and is amongst the most well-preserved, together with the Angkor Wat. Borobudur can be reached with a pleasant 25-minute cycle, or five-minute drive from Amanjiwo. An early morning visit is highly recommended, giving guests ample time to learn the secret meanings of this masterpiece and bringing to life the knowledge contained within its reliefs.