Gros Ventre Suite

Living Area, Gros Ventre Suite - Amangani, Wyoming, USA Amangani Jackson Hole

At 58 square metres (625 square feet), Amangani’s Gros Ventre Suite offers an airy space to retreat, looking out onto spectacular views of the valley and mountain ranges beyond. Situated on the top floor of the building, a large private end unit with a wraparound balcony is great for evenings spent watching the sunset while inside, a king-sized bedroom is combined with a living area complete with fireplace to provide a cosy evening retreat. Referencing the surrounding landscapes, wood and stone materials are found throughout the suite, which also features a large bathroom and bathtub, dressing room and window-side daybed.

All stays include

  • Welcome amenities
  • In-room refreshments and non-alcoholic beverages
  • Morning coffee and pastries at the Zinc Bar
  • Scheduled wellness classes
  • Shuttle transportation to the Jackson Hole Mountain Resort during winter
  • Access to hiking routes and snowshoe trails with complimentary snowshoes during the winter
  • Access to the Amangani Ski Lounge located at the base of the Jackson Hole Mountain Resort during winter


  • 美不胜收的山景与河谷景观
  • 私人阳台
  • 特大床
  • 起居区设有金属燃气壁炉
  • 窗畔卧榻
  • 牛皮编织椅配人造狼皮坐垫
  • 敞阔浴室配浴缸、双梳妆台、更衣室
  • 独立淋浴间和卫生间
  • 无线网络、电视、DVD、音响系统、保险柜
  • 空调、暖气
  • 私人酒水吧

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